Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment (C-PREE)

C-PREE is an interdisciplinary research center at the Princeton School for Public and International Affairs committed to training leaders in the field of environmental and energy policy. We develop rigorous research that blends scientific knowledge and methods with social science and practitioner perspectives in ways that yield practical solutions for the major environmental and energy challenges facing the world today.



From Clouds to Harvest: Trust and Decision-Making Among Northern Rajasthan’s Farmers
Written by Divyansh Chug


In April 2024, I conducted a series of interviews with 19 farmers in Sriganganagar, a vital agricultural district in northern Rajasthan. These conversations unfolded against a backdrop of unprecedented cotton crop failure during the Kharif season due to unseasonal rain, followed by unexpectedly high wheat yields in…

Research Record: Seizing the Policy Opportunities for Health- and Equity-Improving Energy Decisions
Written by Ambreen Ali
The Big Picture

The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) along with other U.S. federal policies enacted during the Biden administration offer an opportunity to promote health and equity goals through clean energy investments, the authors note. Even with the Trump administration likely to make policy changes to IRA implementation, there…

Fill in the Blanks with Navroz Dubash
Written by Ambreen Ali

From the window in Navroz Dubash’s office on the fourth floor of Robertson Hall, there is a clear view of the eating club he frequented as an undergrad at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Dubash returned to Princeton SPIA this past fall as a professor of public and international affairs and the High Meadows…


Inside, Outside: The Impact of Community Organizing on Environmental Policy and Practice in NJ.
Feb 17, 2025, 12:15 pm
Science-Based, Private Sector-Led, Government-Enabled: Harnessing the Necessary Institutions to Catalyze the Clean Energy Transition in this Age of Political Nonconsensus
Feb 24, 2025, 12:15 pm