Celebrating 2024 Graduates

Please join us in celebrating the graduating students affiliated with C-PREE this year. We have a great cohort of 18 graduating students that have been involved with our work during their time at Princeton. MPA and MPP students who pursued the environmental component of the Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP) Certificate, graduates from the STEP PhD cluster at SPIA, graduating HMEI-STEP fellows, and our graduating Environmental Policy Associates comprise this group.
Congratulations to all of our C-PREE graduates! We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you for all you have brought to our program during your time at Princeton.
STEP Certificate Recipients

Brent Efron
Program: MPA, EPA Member
Paper: "In Pursuit of an International Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Regime"

Charles Fraser
Program: MPA, EPA Member
Paper: “Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Welfare and Development”

Vladimir Jovanovic
Program: MPP
Paper: “Assessing the case for nodal pricing under Great Britain’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA): Options, opportunities, constraints”

Nong Li
Program: MPA, EPA Member
Paper: “On China’s policies for the development of electric vehicles”

Liam Maguire
Program: MPA
Paper: “Social Vulnerability Index”

Christian Perkins
Program: MPA, EPA Member
Paper: “The Road to Ex-Situ: Determining Uninhabitable Zones in the International Legal Framework”

Justin Schuster
Program: MPA, EPA Member
Paper: “Migration and Climate Change: Reforming Soft-Law Governance Structures to Support Internally and Internationally Displaced People”

Achinthya Sivalingam
Program: MPA, EPA Member
Paper: “Repairing the Metabolic Rift: Understanding the Inflation Reduction Act's impact on ‘Cannibal Capitalism’”

Joseph Lockwood
Program: HMEI-STEP Fellow, Geosciences
Paper: “Socioeconomic distributional impacts of evaluating flood mitigation activities using equity-weighted benefit-cost analysis”

Shashank Anand
Program: HMEI-STEP Fellow, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Paper: “Quantifying Soil Erosion Rate at Human Time Scale”

Jeffrey Lee
Program: HMEI-STEP Fellow, Molecular Biology
Paper: “An analysis of antimicrobial drug resistance: from revenues to national security and policy”

Xiangwen Fu
Program: PhD in Public Affairs, STEP
Dissertation: Reducing Transport and Building Energy Demand in Chinese Cities: Co-Benefits for Climate, Air Quality and Human Health

Shangwei Liu
Program: PhD in Public Affairs, STEP
Dissertation: Accelerating Decarbonizationof China’s Building Sector through Supply-Side Low-Carbon Technology Deployment and Demand-Side Efficiency Improvements

Rachel Young
Program: PhD in Public Affairs, STEP
Dissertation: Essays on the impacts of tropical cyclones and the role of public policy in the United States

Pooja Ramamurthi
Program: PhD in Public Affairs, STEP
Dissertation: India’s Electricity Future: Perspectives from the Public and Policymakers
Graduating Environmental Policy Associates