Expanding Protected Areas for Vulnerable Species

What Can We Gain and How Can We Get There?
Sep 19, 2022, 12:15 pm1:15 pm
In-person attendance for Princeton University ID holders and invited guests; Livestream open to the public on MediaCentral.



Event Description

Area-based conservation is key to safeguarding biodiversity, ensuring ecosystem functions, and delivering ecosystem services to communities. However, only ~17% of the world’s land area is under some form of protection, prompting international calls to protect at least 30% by 2030. This talk highlights the potential gains in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services from efforts to expand the world’s protected areas. This talk also discusses potential synergies with the growing interest in mitigating climate change through nature-based solutions and carbon offset markets.

Bio: I am a conservation ecologist and geo-spatial modeler whose research focuses mainly on biodiversity conservation and climate change. I have worked on a relatively wide range of topics including invasion biology, freshwater ecology, sustainable development, and nature-based climate solutions, but a central theme throughout my research is a focus on informing policy and developing solutions. My most recent research focuses on identifying effective means of expanding safeguards for the most vulnerable species around the world.

  • Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment
  • High Meadows Environmental Institute
  • Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB)