Measuring Food Sustainability: Environmental sustainability indicators for global food production

Feb 7, 2022, 12:15 pm1:15 pm
Virtual seminar
Open to the public, RSVP required.


Event Description

Dr. Carole Dalin is Associate Professor in Sustainable Food Systems, and the Research Director of the Institute for Sustainable Resources at University College London (UCL).  

Dalin just received funding from the European Research Council to lead the FLORA project ("Sustainable and healthy food solutions: system dynamics and trade-offs”) as a 5-year Starting Grant, which will start in 2022. The ambitious scientific goals of this inter-disciplinary project are to help find effective solutions for sustainable food systems worldwide. It will enable Dr Dalin to recruit three postdoctoral researchers and one doctoral student with different scientific expertise, from environmental, health, and data sciences to economics.

Dalin joined UCL in 2016 with a 5-year Independent Research Fellowship, funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council. Her fellowship research focused on the environmental sustainability of global food production and trade. Her research group works on this theme, with particular interests in water resources, biodiversity and climate change (learn more about the team's research here and follow Dr Dalin on Twitter for the latest updates).

From 2014 to 2016, Carole was a Research Officer at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics (LSE). There, she worked with Declan Conway on the water-food-energy nexus in Southern Africa, looking at the socio-economic implications of climate forecasts, regarding natural resources management in particular.

She obtained in 2014 her Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering & Water Resources with Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe and her Certificate in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy with Denise Mauzerall, both at Princeton University. Her doctoral thesis focuses on water resources transfers, through Chinese and international agricultural trade.

  • Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment
  • High Meadows Environmental Institute