Climate Futures Workshop

Designing and Implementing Policy Solutions in a Warming World
Sep 13, 2024, 1:00 pm5:00 pm
Princeton University students, researchers, and faculty. RSVP required



Event Description

1:00 - 1:30 Registration / Networking

1:30 - 1:45 Welcome and Introduction

Welcome Remarks - David Wilcove

1:45 - 3:40 Climate Change: Understanding the impacts and the solutions

Purpose: Ensure level setting, all students have a basic understanding of climate science and current policy efforts in the US and abroad. Paired with interspersed flash talks that are “breaks,” students can engage with material related to each of the broad overviews professors give.

  • Climate Science & Mitigation Strategies (20 mins) followed by (5 mins) of Q&A

Professor Denise Mauzerall

  • Flash Talk (5 mins) 

PhD student focusing on climate change mitigation

  • Break - Networking (10 mins) 

  • Climate Change Adaptation (20 mins) followed by (5 mins) of Q&A

Professor Eric Tate 

  • Break - Networking (10 mins)

  • Domestic Decarbonization (20 mins) followed by (5 mins) of Q&A

Professor Jesse Jenkins

  • Flash Talk (5 mins)

Alex Gazmararian, Politics PhD candidate, Political barriers that prevent action on climate change

  • Flash Talk (5 mins) 

Melissa Tier, SPIA STEP PhD candidate, U.S. federal or state-level adaptation policies


3:40 - 4:00 Introduce the Upcoming Practitioner Panel, grab snacks, chat outside Arthur Lewis, and come back rejuvenated after interacting with previous speakers  


4:00 - 5:00 Academic/Practitioner Panel with Experts 

Moderator: Jackson Blackwell


1. Climate change and development

Navroz Dubash

2. Federal climate policy (climate, energy, security, AI)

Ali Nouri 

3. Climate, risk, markets, and finance

Andrew Eil

4. Climate change technologies

Tim Truer (invited)

5:00 - 6:30 Dinner and Networking